Taking Your… Time!
Karate takes time, enjoy the journey…
These days it appears that a lot of people only want to do something if they can get fast results! In training they want to shake things up, cross train, keep it fresh! Social media bombards us with “how to train”, and tells us what the next '“big thing” in exercise is going to be.
But patience is a virtue!
Building a strong foundation in anything requires time and commitment, paying attention to detail, keeping it simple, and not changing things up too soon but sticking with the fundamentals to get the best results.
If you are constantly changing things up before you have mastered what it is you are working on (I’m using the term “mastered” very loosely here, but I think you get what I mean), it makes it nearly impossible to chart your progress, and it potentially increases the risk of injury as well. Both of which can result in loss of interest and motivation not to mention the increased likelihood of quitting the activity completely.
By all means, if something isn’t working, or if you have hit a plateau, change it, but not at the cost of your progress and not just because you are bored.
Heres the thing, motivation comes and goes no matter how you train. If you want to improve, if you want to get better at something, make it part of your routine and simply keep doing it!
It’s like brushing your teeth or taking responsibility for your own personal hygiene - you may not always be in the mood but you do it anyway!
Enjoy the journey, don’t be in a hurry, and take your time!