Self-defence is not fighting…

Self-defence is not fighting. It is not two people stepping towards each other to exchange blows; it is a person or persons moving into your personal space uninvited. Up until that time, there is no physical need to defend yourself. Removing yourself, if possible, and verbal de-escalation are the best options at this point.

It is essential to control the distance once the perpetrator has closed the gap. Having your hands up helps you to do this; it also reduces the attacker's opportunities to control the dynamic.

Be clear: you are not waiting for the attack, but until they are within your personal space (or at least on its borders), there is no urgency to engage.

When you have to engage, the attack will invariably be in multiple strikes, and you have to neutralise the attacker as early as possible. The longer the confrontation goes on, the bigger the risk.

As always, there are exceptions to the rule. It is entirely different if you have to step in to protect someone else. But even then, it is only justifiable if there is a believed intent to harm.


Knife Mitigation workshops.


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